Power-Mobility Community Driving Assessment (PCDA)

Like the PIDA, the PCDA was developed to enhance mobility, measure actual performance (not only capability) and reflect the diversity of individual driving requirements in a variety of community settings. The PCDA accounts for and evaluates interactions between the driver, the power-mobility device and the larger environment, and suggests ways to enhance this relationship with the overall aim of increasing community accessibility.

Regarding Copyright: We are delighted to make these assessments available to licensed health care professionals for use with their clients. Assessment forms may be freely copied and/or amended to fit context-specific documentation requirements. Assessment forms may also be reformatted to suit requirements at individual places of employment. However, items and scoring may not be changed and copyright information must be included on the form. 


Letts, L., Dawson, D., & Kaiserman-Goldenstein, E. (1998). Development of the power-mobility community driving assessment. Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation, 11, 123-129. View Publication

Letts, L., Dawson, D., Bretholz, I., Kaiserman-Goldenstein, E., Gleason, J., McLellan, E., Norton, L., & Roth, C. (2007). Reliability and validity of the power-mobility community driving assessment. Assistive technology : the official journal of RESNA19(3), 154–127. https://doi.org/10.1080/10400435.2007.10131872