Power-Mobility Indoor Driving Assessment (PIDA)

Developed to enhance mobility, measure actual performance (not only capability) and reflect the diversity of individual driving requirements, the PIDA was developed to assess the driving of individuals using power-mobility devices within their own indoor environment. The PIDA includes 30 items, with a 4-point scoring system. Ten of the items are deemed essential and are to be assessed for all drivers. The other 20 items can be scored as ‘not applicable’ thus allowing customization of the assessment for variability encountered in different environments.

Questions were chosen to provide a comprehensive view of an individuals’ indoor driving performance and the scoring was developed to be responsive to changes in driving abilities. The PIDA can be used to make recommendations about where competent driving may be enhanced by further training.

Regarding Copyright: We are delighted to make these assessments available to licensed health care professionals for use with their clients. Assessment forms may be freely copied and/or amended to fit context-specific documentation requirements. Assessment forms may also be reformatted to suit requirements at individual places of employment. However, items and scoring may not be changed and copyright information must be included on the form. 


Dawson, D., Chan, R., & Kaiserman, E. (1994). Development of the Power-Mobility Indoor Driving Assessment for Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities: A Preliminary Report. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy61(5), 269–276. https://doi.org/10.1177/000841749406100507